

Discover transformational  freedom In Christ:
 Engage your story with honesty
 Discover Jesus's presence even in fear, doubt or pain
ccept His invitation to make you whole
ive in His freedom and transform the world
Complimentary Access

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Begin your journey to healing and restoration with
a preview of the Healing the Whole Person Online Course.
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The expanded Healing the Whole Person teaching.

Dr. Bob Schuchts, PHD

Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

Thousands have encountered Christ’s merciful love through the JPII Healing Center's powerful weekend conferences, featuring the transformative teachings of Dr. Bob Schuchts. 

Now experience the expanded Healing the Whole Person teaching in it's entirety.

In this exclusive video series, Dr. Bob Schuchts and Sr. Miriam James Heidland expand upon the teachings at the JPII Healing Center's weekend healing conferences—leading you on a journey to encounter Jesus like never before and allow Him to transform your wounds into avenues of grace & blessing.


We’ve included 10 hours  of intimate Q&A sessions where Dr. Bob & Sr. Miriam James have answered over  100 questions from real participants on the healing journey— conveniently organized for you to find the questions that interest you most.

Come & See
What the Lord Can Do

Jesus wants this healing for you. In the midst of your pain, He is there – waiting for you, holding out His hand, asking: "Do you want to be healed?" (John 5:6) 
I heard my [biological] father say, 'I love you little girl.' This is something I worked on in therapy for decades; God met me there!!
I had been struggling to find peace after a violent end of my marriage. Jesus came to me and held in an embrace reminding me that I'm safe, and he offers forgiveness to all.
I believe now more than ever before that I am truly a beloved child of God.
I was healed of my crushing pain from the death of my husband.
For the first time in my life, I feel/experienced that God really loves me. It was healing of a memory when I was 7 yo after being belittled by my mother, and Jesus came and scooped me in his arms. About 30 minutes of deep sobs and tears followed, and I no longer doubt that God loves me. This was worth more than I can say.

What is "Healing the Whole Person"? 

Developed by Dr. Bob Schuchts, Healing the Whole Person is our foundational teaching at the John Paul II Healing Center. It is the fruit of both his own personal healing journey and over 30 years as a marriage and family therapist.
15 years ago, Dr. Bob began working through Healing the Whole Person with seminarians in formation and  they were blown away by the amount of transformation and healing they experienced. Knowing that more people needed to hear this message of healing, the JPII Healing Center began offering the course to priests, religious, and laity.

Today, it is bringing transformation to bishops, religious communities, families, marriages, and individuals throughout the world. 
Now, this transformative teaching is available to you—to discover at your own pace, wherever you are in the world.

In this course, you’ll begin a journey to spiritual, physical, and emotional wholeness—entering the sometimes hidden places of the heart, facing pains and woundedness, and experiencing a deep encounter with the authentic healing love of Jesus Christ.
Empty space, drag to resize

Who is it for?

This teaching is for anyone desiring wholeness, freedom, and an encounter with a loving Creator. If you’re looking for a deeper understanding of God’s love and the healing of your own story, you’ll fit right in.
This teaching has transformed the lives of people from all backgrounds and walks of life:

- Catholic & non-Catholic
- Married, single, divorced, & widowed
- Young adults & grandparents
- Laity, religious, & clergy
Some are aware of deep trauma that only the love of the Father can heal, others are simply looking for a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Some have been in therapy and are seeking more, while others have stumbled upon healing and are overjoyed to discover this integrative approach.

Your Course Includes:

8 Hours of
In-Depth Teaching

Eight pre-recorded 1-hour talks by Dr. Bob Schuchts and Sr. Miriam James Heidland, weaving together teaching, personal testimony, and guided prayer experiences

Journaling Questions

Thoughtfully composed to help you apply the material to your own story

Comprehensive Digital

Detailed outlines of each talk with extensive footnotes & references

Easy Video

Each talk includes a searchable transcript & table of contents to help you follow along and revisit impactful moments again and again


All talks are accessible and include synchronized English subtitles 

Prayer Guides

Continue your healing journey as a daily practice

to Go Deeper

Carefully curated podcast episodes, videos, music, and more to accompany each talk 


10 hours of pre-recorded Q&A sessions with Dr. Bob Schuchts & Sr. Miriam James Heidland

“Healing is an essential dimension of the apostolic mission and of Christianity. When understood at a sufficiently deep level, this expresses the entire content of redemption.”

— Pope Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth

The Program

Eight Talks

This teaching isn’t complicated, nor is it anything “new”.
In fact, we’ll show you how healing has been at the heart of the Church’s mission from the beginning.
In 8 simple sessions, we'll give you all the tools you need to start living in the freedom God made you for. Each talk is deeply grounded in Scripture and Church Teaching and will make them come alive like never before.

Healing the Whole Person

Discover how healing has been at the heart of the Gospel message from the very beginning and experience the gentleness of Jesus in the tender places of your heart.

Wholeness in Christ 

Understand God’s vision for your development, explore areas where it has been ruptured, and hear His invitation to restore your security, maturity, and purity. 

Facing Your Brokenness

Begin to look beyond the external symptoms of your actions and get to the roots by learning about the Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Deadly Wounds. 

Prayer for Inner Healing

Experience Jesus’ powerful love, waiting for you in the midst of your pain and brokenness and allow the Holy Spirit to give you a new heart. 

Redemptive Suffering and Healing 

 Learn to face your suffering in love and truth and let go of your grudges through the power of forgiveness so that, like Christ, your pain will become a source of healing.

Healing Grace and the Sacraments 

Elevate your understanding of the sacraments to see them as transformative encounters with God that draw us into wholeness and communion. 

Spiritual Gifts and Healing 

Discover the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through you to bring the world into communion with Jesus. 

Living in Freedom 

Continue your healing journey with practical tools and spiritual disciplines to use for the rest of your life. 
access Options

Your Course



2 Month Access+
Digital WOrkbook
  • Full, 8-session Healing the Whole Person teaching from Dr. Bob & Sr. Miriam
  • Transcript, table of contents, & English subtitles for each talk
  • Overview page to prepare your heart for each talk
  • Journal questions & prayer guides
  • Curated resources to accompany each talk 
  • BONUS: 10 hours of Q&A sessions
Perfect for: 
  • Beginning or going deeper in your healing journey
  • Follow-up after attending a JPIIHC event
  • Preparing for a JPIIHC event or training
  • Supplementing alongside spiritual direction
Group leader
6 Months


12 Months


Group License +
Digital WOrkbook
  • Everything in Individual Access, PLUS:
  • License to display videos to your group
  • Spiritual and logistic best practices for leading your community on the healing journey 
  • Leader notes and small group questions to accompany each talk 
Perfect for: 
  • Parish Groups
  • Seminary Propaedeutic Formation
  • Parish & Diocesan Retreats 
  • Small Group Communities 
6 Months
12 Months

True Freedom
Begins Here 

So, are you ready to: 
- Go deeper than you thought possible in your relationship with Jesus?
- Invite Him to heal the wounds that even therapy couldn’t?
- Understand the "why" behind your actions and emotions?
- Stop endlessly managing your sin and start uncovering the roots of it?
- Live as a light of hope and freedom in a world of darkness?
- Live without masks—embracing your true identity as a child of God?
- Offer true forgiveness to those who have hurt you (including yourself)?

True Freedom
Begins Here 

So, are you ready to: 
- Go deeper than you thought possible in your relationship with Jesus?
- Invite Him to heal the wounds that even therapy couldn’t?
- Understand the "why" behind your actions and emotions?
- Stop endlessly managing your sin and start uncovering the roots of it?
- Live as a light of hope and freedom in a world of darkness?
- Live without masks—embracing your true identity as a child of God?
- Offer true forgiveness to those who have hurt you (including yourself)?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the online course work?
This course is self-paced; after enrollment, all videos and course materials are available for you to engage on your own schedule. The course consists of 8 talks, each about an hour in length. Opening reflections, journal questions, and further resources are also included alongside each talk. 
Do I need to attend another John Paul II Healing Center event before registering for this course?
No. There are no prerequisites for our online courses. 
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you will have access to this course for a period of 2 months (Individual Course) or 6 months (Group Leader Course). You can view your remaining access time on the "My Courses" page after purchasing the course. 
If I want to participate in this conference with my spouse or with a group, can they share my login to view the videos?
Individual Access: No. Your registration for this course is a Single User License per our Terms of Use Guidelines, so each person must register individually to participate in this course.
Group Leader Access: This access grants you a license to display the videos in a group setting. However, sharing your login information is a violation of our Terms of Use Guidelines.

Additionally, for both levels of access, the login information you will receive is unique and cannot be used concurrently on more than one device. We thank you for honoring this policy.  
Can I receive continuing education units (CEUs) for this course?
This course does not offer CEUs at this time. 
What are the technology requirements to take the course?
Once you've purchased the course, you will be able to view content from any web enabled device including a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. For the best user experience and video playback quality, we do recommend using the most updated version of your web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer).